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Do four elder brother with the men back to the forecourt when ghd flat iron gave no and his Armagh and brother to say one word.This makes the GHD mood is very depressed, but see Armagh and five years ago as tall and straight body, black hair, and brother mature face, GHD know family is healthy will rest assured.

Back to the hall after the ghd put sleep Roche to his own room, also had tired sleeping baby to sleep Roche, then with red eyes and said: "kindly inform, you first in this will, and daughter away those people back ground.GHD has called Zhang Momo the other table meals delivered.Your daughter with baby, come back soon."

Roche did not feel ghd purple is so excited, she hugs the baby gently tread, whispered: "Hui infants without kindly inform, to greet the guests. Kindly inform is not hungry, that time have a look have not my baby."He did not care for GHD devoted to the baby.


