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http://www.consulting-foresters.com/is_template_default.20130328.php But compared to its coach factory brand concept car, which is already obvious contrast airplane than a car. This concept car is a single row, manual transmission, combining the highest technology in the world automotive industry, you can lock the speed can also be self- driving, or even reversing this work can be handed over to the car himself to complete, because it is a microcomputer control, so accuracy accurate than people want to drive yourself countless times, so you do not need to worry when reversing Hou rubs to another car. The perspective of this concept car 's wheels can rotate 360 ​​degrees, stopping in at the right time, and sometimes encounter a rather nasty situation that only one parking space, but there are parking spaces before and after this two cars, although the gap left by the middle just to stop the car, but can not go into or out of the need to constantly adjust, take a long time to let the car into the parking space to stop, and this car, you can press the button to adjust the wheels directly, so the wheels and the body into a crossing angle, sideways into the open.

Hang gliding is allowing this concept car at the right time to open the door to attract all eyes, the same car is equipped with an electronic key, you can control the car through the electronic key to start, open, close, or even unmanned. Dupin listening to this introduction to this coach outlet online foreign old man has fallen in love with the concept car, the people almost rushed to the car a good hug. How much is this car ? Dupin eyes will soon be drawn into this BMW concept car, and quickly asked.

How much is this car ? A strange voice. chaussures ugg Dupin turned to looked behind and saw a half- bald middle-aged man standing behind his eyes shine looked BMW concept car. Dupin did not think to grab a Yaojin, but it 's first come first served rule coach purses or know, just do not know the middle-aged man is not also know the rules. Sorry, sir, this car is the first to see the gentleman, so unless this gentleman chose to give up the car, otherwise it is impossible to sell your car.


